In order to teach the students of Nursery, Jr.KG & Sr. KG to understand the importance of shloka recitation, Loknete Ramsheth Thakur English Medium School & Jr. College ( Pre-Primary section) conducted Shloka recitation competition. The children showcased their oratory skills by reciting shlokas with great confidence. Their performances were judged on the basis of presentation, Confidence, Fluency of language pronunciation. It was pleasure to see their performances, excitement and passion on stage. It was appreciated by one and all.
The winners from shloka competition are as follow:-
From the Classes Nursery :- 1)Ms. Waykar Shivanya
2) Mst. Patil Reyansh Suraj
3) Ms. Patil Trisha Shashikant
From the Classes Jr. KG.:-
1) Ms. Niheera Mohan Darekar
2) Ms. Gawade Anaya Rajdut
3) Mst. Sapkal Daivik Santosh
4) Ms. Kamble Amrita Sagar- Consolation prize
From the Classes Sr. KG. :-
1) Mst. Patil Rudra Ritesh
2) Ms. Bhilare Sejal Sachin
3) Mst. Barkade Sarvadnya Abhay
4) Mst. Dukare Shivam Sampat- Consolation Prize